pbsSoftLogic-RTU/PLC Programming IDE

Open RTU/PLC Programming Environment ( Function Block Programming and Lua and Python  Scripting ) for Embedded linux/QNX/WinCE/Win32 based Controller with Supported Modbus Master/Slave , DNP3 Master/Slave , IEC870-5-101/104 Master/Slave ,IEC870-5-103 master, GSP Client ,OPC UA Server , SQLite , MQTT Client  ,redis , MS SQL Server Client and Siemens S7 Communication Protocols . Download user manual ,Download datasheet

- Download pbsSoftLogic Function Block Manual



Easy Drag & Drop Programming

No Programming Requied for Communication protocols , Only protocols are setup by graphical configurator

Supported many ready and tested Function Blocks

User defined Function Block by Lua , Python  Scripting and C

Optional Security Functionality for RTU and Eng Station

Optional Encryption of Projects

Supported SDK for developing User defined Communication protocols

Offline Simulation of Logic is Supported

Runtime Kernel for Linux / WinCE / QNX / Win32

Logic Monitoring Utility and Tags Forcing

Supported Modbus RTU/TCP Master /Slave Drivers

Supported DNP3 TCP/RS232 Master /Slave Drivers

Supported IEC101-104 Master /Slave Drivers

Supported MQTT and redis  Drivers

Supported OPC UA Client/Server Driver . OPC UA Stack is blong to www.open62541.org

Supported S7 Connect Client Driver . S7 Stack is blong to Snap7

Supported SQLite for in RTU Data Archiving and TDS for synchronizing with MSSQL Server . TDS Stack is blong to FreeTDS